Monday, June 4, 2012

Expert: China May non-manufacturing fast economic growth shows ...

Beijing of China News Service on June 3 report (reporter Liu Changzhong) released the latest China May non-manufacturing business activity index was 55.2%, lower than the ring 0.9Percentage points. China Federation of logistics and purchasing vice president Cai Jin interviewed by this reporter said, the index since this year have been running at more than 55%, indicates that Chinese non manufacturing economy has maintained a stable and rapid development trend.Cai Jin said, in May China non manufacturing economy activity basically shows three big characteristics: first, the market demand is relatively stable. The new orders index reached 52.5%, 0.2 percentage points from the previous month back slightly. The index since this year is running smoothly, index levels were maintained at between 52.2%-53.5%, showing a relatively stable demand of market of manufacturing industry.His analysis, in specific industry, construction industry new orders index reached 54.2%, before the May average remained at 55.9% levels. Show that although this year investment growth has slowed, but the construction industry market demand still maintain faster growth level in. As the key fields of investment gradually warming, railway, water conservancy infrastructure andConstruction of the western region(002302,SharesRigid), investment demand, will ensure that the construction industry market demand grow steadily. In addition, services new orders index 52.1%, before the May average remained at 52% levels. China?s services sector accounted for the proportion of the national economy has reached 43.1%. Service industry market demand stabilizes growth to a certain extent reflects the Chinese economic structure improvement and optimization.Secondly, the development of each industry equilibrium. Construction industry business activity index 59.2%, service industry business activity index of 54.2%, maintained rapid growth trend. Specific industry, building industry, civil construction, retail and logistics and other major industry business activity index were maintained in a higher operating level. Data shows, the development of each industry is more balanced, facilitates a manufacturing economy overall stability.Finally, inflation pressures continue to release. Reflect the cost of intermediate input price index fell to 53.6%, a decline of 4.3 percentage points lower than the ring, to further accelerate the pace of. In a specific industry, the upstream raw material prices decline effect, construction industry intermediate input price rapid fall after a rise, the intermediate input price index dropped to below 50%. In addition, reflect the terminal demand price is the price index for 48.5%, down to 50%. Two price index changes mean that China?s current inflation pressure is expected to be further released, is conducive to the stability of macroscopical economy growth. But also to prevent the decline in economic growth process, partial industry prices fell faster, affect the normal business profits, and the market is not conducive to the smooth development of.Cai Jin expresses, current China non manufacturing economy still maintains flat steady rapidder growth pattern. Need to pay attention to the non manufacturing industry, especially the development of service industry, to the adjustment of Chinese economic structure and the transformation of development mode of the positive role. Finish

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