Saturday, June 23, 2012

Everyday Eclipse For Android Developers ? Pt.2 ?Best? Practices

- Log.d(TAG, ?Debug Info?);
- Don?t use System.out.println, You will lose highlighting and ability to filter messages by TAG
- Most useful place to do logging is to display a network request and the corresponding network result
- Use LogCat filter to identify the logs you want

Quick Comments
- Think first
- Briefly describe what you need to do in one line as a comment
- Write implementation

Android Lint

What is Lint?
- Scans your project for common errors in your project
- Provides automatic fixes for most warnings via Quick Fix
- Has a dedicated Lint view that lists problems and lets your jump to where the probe is
- Problems are organized by issue type

- Annoy you that string literal ought to be moved into the Strings resource
- If you use a Edit Text field, if you don?t specify a type, it will nag you to define one

- Toast.makeText(context, ?My Toast Msg?, Toast.LENGTH_LONG);
- Forgetting to call .show() method on Toast instance.

When is it run?
- In ADT 16-19, when an .apk is being exported OR Updating an XML file OR Using the visual layout editor
- >= ADT 20, during save of both .java or .xml
- Incremental check , not project wide check

Where is Lint?
- It?s integrated into ADT for Eclipse

Where to learn more about Lint?

What value does lint provide?
- Makes your life miserable? for the better

How to get it?
- Included in >=ADT 16

How can I Lint run manually?
- Run Lint in Toolbar Above

How can I make Lint go away?
- Preferences -> Android -> Lint Checking

Pro Tip: Avoid creating short-term temporary objects if you can. Fewer objects created will result in less Garbage Collection?

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