Thursday, May 17, 2012

The Biggest Web Design Mistake: ?Winging? it | CBIL360

After meeting with over 100?s of business owners, discussing websites, social media and the importance of being active online I would like to say to all those who are about to design a new website or redesign the current website ?Stop thinking about the website look, it will emerge. Start thinking about why you need a website? What do you want the website to achieve? Why should consumers believe you??

There are many questions to answer before thinking about how the website should look. Questions such as market segment, age group, online behavior, competitors, keyword targeting, communication methods used, headlines and copy need to be addressed before talking about whether the website should look corporate, slick, or professional.

The answers to these questions will create a ?plan? or as I like to say a ?direction? to the look and feel of the website or any other online platform as well as the expected visitor response. ?And that must be known and directed by the website design company one chooses.

Beside we all know that lack of direction prolongs the duration of a journey, creates frustration and creates disbelief in the ability to reach or in our case to succeed at the biggest business platform ? the internet.

So what is the first task you have to do before facing the internet the proper way? And how should you choose the proper website design company?

Change the Way You Think!

In your income and expense table or chart of account or general ledger what section does the online activity appear ? in the income side or expense side? ?If you see the online plan ? website, social media etc. dominating the expense side then your website may look nice but does not have any business thought behind it. Or if you had a web designer friend or cousin design a website for you then hopefully the website wasn?t costly. The results are?income from the website or online activity is very low if any.

Many I spoke to blame the web designer and claim that the internet is not working for them despite the fact that they use the Internet extensively.

If you decide that your online marketing plan should make you money the same way your office does, then think about strategy, tactics, plan and ways to make the online platform profitable as you did with your business.

So don?t set yourself to fail or be disappointed. Your online activity is a business not a hobby, do it right.

To do it right, choose the right website design company. The one that looks at a website as a profit center. Choose a website design company that knows that your sales pitch team, social media, YouTube, website, and rest of the online activity will make all the difference in how a visitor feels about you and how he or she selects the company they want to spent money with.

Therefore we as a company push you to be clear, on target, present a Unique Point of Sale, think about intangible and tangible value and provide simple ways to communicate. That is what visitor requires you or the business owner to do.

Visitors barely remember what any one website said, because all the websites are in most part addressing the need of visitor one way or the other. There?s lots of repetition. But visitors do remember memorable statements, intangible value, tangible value, trust and transparency that a website offers. And they will come back. FACT!

?Winging it,? refers to making a website or having an online plan just for the sake of having an ?online presence?. Winging it takes 3 times longer to say or design things and you end up saying it or doing it badly.

Planning what needs to be said, the tone, what needs to be seen clearly, the way you transfer the information to your potential client are the most critical factors. And most of the time these factors are not met and you just end up losing the money to the website design company.

The solution: Think 360. Plan 360. Implement 360. Test 360. A task a professional Website Design Company should do.

Change how you do ONLINE business and change the results. Einstein said long ago ?don?t do the same thing expecting different results?.? Think of your website as your office and the rest of your online activity, social media, micro site, YouTube as your sales ambassadors.

Care for you virtual office as you do for your fiscal office. Set rules, keep it efficient, set goals, point all your all online activity to send one massage and drive visitors to accomplish one task. If you confuse the consumers then you are bound to waste your time and money. More importantly if consumer feels that you waste their time, then they will not come back as fast as one may think.

Adopt the latest program and techniques to develop your website and include easy ways to value the result. Keep your online activities fresh and interesting. Change fast if you don?t have the desired response.

Don?t ever forget that the internet is much larger task to handle then your office and lot more profitable.? As a CFO of a website design company I hope you listen and succeed.

Jay H. Ben Avner.

Co-founder & CEO of CBIL360, Jay is a marketing genius and the brain behind formulating key web strategies and methodologies. With over 15 years of marketing, advertising and branding experience, he continues to lead and inspire the team with his strong business ethics, acumen and relentless pursuit of excellence.

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