Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Autoresponder Hosting Script.(Top Seller) ? Marketing on the ...

In this busy internet marketing world, automation scripts are highly sought after and one thing that is a must-have for any successful marketer is an autoresponder script. Becoming a virtual sales team, autoresponders follow-up automatically with prospects to sell your products and services for you 24/7. Ask any marketer if they use autoresponders and you will find that 10 out of 10 successful marketers will respond with a definite ?Yes?.

With such a high demand for quality autoresponder services online, why not consider starting your own autoresponder hosting business? You could be offering your site visitors access to free and pro membership options, while effectively building a customer list AND generating a monthly residual income.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Free members become instant affiliates that can earn residual commissions on pro memberships purchased through their affiliate link. Pro members have access to a quality autoresponder system that they can configure the following items as they wish to suit their needs:

Update the home page.

Change the join page to your site.

Thank you page text can be altered to suit.

Welcome and confirmation emails can be customised to suit your audience.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Autoresponders are highly popular and an in-demand service that won?t take long to build into a sizeable customer list.

Our autoresponder hosting script is designed to take the worry and effort out of client communications for your customers. There are also many opportunities for you to monetize your business with free advertising to your customer base through your own autoresponder script.

There?s no doubt that your business will benefit greatly when you host your own autoresponder service, because:

Multi-Purpose Script: You can install the script on any domain that you own gaining even more value from the script.

Business Branding: Because your clients will need to return to your site periodically, your brand will receive recognition in the marketplace.

Comprehensive Administration: There are many features that you can customise and control from the management area to suit your business. You have freedom of choice to set the options that you want to offer.

Privacy: Your list is on your domain and your customer database is only available to you and no one else, ever.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Reliability: When you host your own autoresponder hosting script, the service should run more reliably than that of an external paid service, because you are the one who manages the business.

Support: If you require support for your script, it is available 24/7 through our support centre.

Enhancements: If you require enhancements to your script, it is available through our development team at reasonable rates.

Are You Ready To Take Your Our Autoresponder
Hosting Script & Put It To Work For You By
Adding Incredible Value To Your Business?

top autoresponder hosting scripts Demo:
Admin Area:
Live Sites:
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Click here to view Autoresponder Hosting Script demo.
Click here to view. [ Username: admin Password: admin ]
Click here to view.
NB: Mailing is disabled in demo for security purpose, so you will not be able to send any messages.autoresponder hosting software Script Features:

Very easy to install to your web server.

Comes complete with sales page already pre-written for you to generate new customers.

View ads and banners for affiliates to promote your service.

View earning statistics including Total Hits to Affiliate link, Total Referrals, Total Free Referrals, Total Pro Referrals, Amount of Commissions Paid and Commissions due.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Withdrawl earnings via PayPal, Moneybookers and e-Gold.

The administration level is detailed and easy-to-setup and navigate. It includes:

Admin Settings:
? Set the Site Name, Site URL, Admin Contact Email Address, Admin section username and password.
? Choose the membership type that you want to offer ? Pro Membership Only or Affiliate and Pro Memberships.
? Set the Pro Membership Fee.
? Set the membership fee duration to monthly, yearly or lifetime.
? Set the commissions rate in dollars.
? Set the referral bonus in dollars.
? Set the price for site banner advertising per CPM (1000 Impressions) for top and bottom placement.
? Set the PayPal, Moneybookers and E-gold account details to receive payments to.
? Set the YourFreeWorld.com Scripts Affiliate ID to earn commissions from script sales from your ID.
? Set the maximum number of messages that a client can send to their list using your autoresponder service.
? Set the free members welcome email, pro members verification email, verified pro members welcome email and referral notification emails.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Members Listing

Search Members

Free Member Listing

Pro Member Listing

Renew Members Subscriptions
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Pending Renewals

Email Users

Pending Withdrawls

Completed Withdrawls

Approved Banners

Pending Banners


Top Sponsors

Max Hits

Allows at-a-glance viewing of Total Number of Members, Free Members, PRO Members, Approved Banners, Pending Banners, Paid Money, Pending Withdrawls, Templates & Renew Subscriptions.

And more?
Autoresponder Hosting Script
As you can see, there are some extra features that you won?t normally find in a regular, run-of-the-mill autoresponder service. That and the super user-friendly interface makes our script a winner that users of any experience level will find easy-to-use.

Autoresponder Script includes these features:

Set the program name, site title, site description and keyword meta tags to be included on their web pages.

Set the disclaimer notice that will be displayed on the top of every email sent out.

Personalise emails with the autoresponder name, site URL, confirmation URL, member name, email and IP address.

Customise the confirmation and welcome emails.

Enter the HTML code for the home page, confirmation, thank you and unsubscribe pages.
Autoresponder Hosting Script
Choose from ten different web site templates.

Manage account holders subscribed by search, active, pending and removed.

Send an email broadcast to account holders in plain text or HTML format. (They will also receive a copy).

View message history including ID, Status, Subject, Message, Message Type and Action.

View, add, edit, update and delete autoresponder messages.

View their autoresponder home page.

autoresponder hosting script in php Requirements:

Unix/Linux Server
PHP 4.0 or higher
Mysql Database Support
Autoresponder Hosting Script
php autoresponder hosting Terms & Conditions:

One License is for a single Domain only.
You are not allowed it to use it at more than 1 domain or sell / lease this script in any form.
All copyright notices used within the scripts MUST remain intact.

auto responder hosting software in php Notes: The design of any HTML pages, including interfaces, must be changed and/or modified by yourself.
For a limited time, we will install this script for you absolutely FREE!
Autoresponder Hosting Script

Source: http://iblog.at/terryfernandes/?p=7028

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