Friday, September 7, 2012

The Galileo Thermometer Was Not Invented By Galileo

Subject: Binternet Rands sues God Almighty!!

Binternet Rands sues God Almighty [] for copyright, design-patent, and trademark infringement. Rumored to be acting on behalf of a mysterious organization called Accademia del Cimento, Binternet Rands is suing God Almighty for infringing on the "distinctive design" of the device commonly known as the "Galilean Thermometer."

Through its attorney [], Binternet Rands claims that the external reproductive organ of the human male is not looks very similar in shape to the "Galilean Thermometer" but both devices are commonly used to measure temperatures.

Legal experts widely dismiss the copyright and design patent claims on a number of fronts, not the least of which is that it is widely assumed that male anatomy was invented first. Asked for comment, Binternet Rands's attorney mumbled something that sounded like "pics or it didn't happen." In addition, any copyrights or patents issued during that time period are almost certainly expired.

The trademark claim cannot be so easily dismissed.

Noted philosopher and writer H. Benderson [] notes that while the "Galilean Thermometer" is commonly used to measure air temperatures and the male reproductive organ is commonly used to measure the temperatures of other things, notably parts of the female anatomy and the temperature of showers. As such, Binternet Rands's claims that confusion is very likely cannot be dismissed out of hand. In addition, the "Galilean Thermometer" is sometimes used in a manner similar to the male reproductive organ as a means of providing erotic pleasure, despite wide-spread recommendations not to use breakable glass for such purposes.

There, that's doing it right.


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