Saturday, September 22, 2012

Elements of a Successful Web Design | Computers and Technology

Internet and Technology | Computers and Technology | * Written by Vijay Sharma | Friday, 21 September 2012 02:13 | Word Count: 603

If you need a successful website, you must ensure the following 5 factors are met with. Read on to know what all it takes to own a successful website. Pay attention to the content ? When it comes to a website, the content is king. Regardless of whether you own a website for personal or professional reasons, you must be articulate about the content that is published out there. The sole aim of the content is to entertain and inform. Content plays the key role in retaining the person, once he or she has clicked on the link to your website.

Another golden rule which you must remember while posting the content is to proof read before you publish. A lot of times we come across websites that have impeccable design but the words written over there have spelling mistakes, syntax errors and a lot more. Thus, before you publish any content, always proof read it. Even a small paragraph can cost you your entire business.

Pay attention to the over all look of the website ? By this we not only mean the design, but the entire look and feel of the website. Yes, the design is important, there has to be a balance between the design and the content and the aesthetics of the website. When it comes to website designing, always remember that less is more. Thus, develop a website, which gives prominence to a few features and is not hard core design related.

Of course, this depends on the nature of website that you have. If you have a design website, if for instance you are creative designer etc, you need to show that creativity in the design as well. But the deign should be such that it does not intimidate the audience and deviate them from the topic, rather the design should encourage them to read further and remain glued to the web page.

The need for speed ? Another element which decides the success of your website is the speed of it. Your website should be light and should load quickly on the web browser. No one is going to wait for the website to load. If it takes more than 3 seconds for you to load the website, you must rethink about it. Various elements can be causing you this trouble. Check if you have used heavy images, or flash elements etc. Do away with them, in order to get a really quick loading and smooth website.

Readability and accessibility ? use variation in terms of font size and colors. The headings should receive prominence etc. You may also think of opting for SEO services, which would optimize your website for the search engines and will give it a kick start. They would optimize the website for better readability and accessibility.

Privacy policy and testimonials ? testimonials help the people to trust your website and your services. Do not forget to mention all the big brands you have worked for and whatever your customers have to say about you. Also, put across the privacy policy and non declaration agreement. Depending on the industry you plan on catering to, such documents could be necessary.

Choose for the best custom website design company for your business growth which can provide best custom web design services for your business website.

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Author of this article: Vijay Sharma.

Number of Articles Published: 51

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Vijay Sharma joined FAFY - Free Article For You on Wednesday, 18 April 2012.

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