Sunday, December 2, 2012

The 1st Day of Christmas Celebration: These Gifts Are For the Birds ...

For the next 12 days we?ll be sharing some lensmaster generated gift guide lists for you to enjoy. These lists are hand picked by some of our best Celebrate?lensmasters.

Up first is Susan52?with her list:?These Gifts Are For the Birds. Also check out one of Susan?s Celebrate Gift Guide lenses:?Choose the Best Popcorn Popper! (Popcorn Popper Reviews).

From Susan?Think Christmas is for the birds? You might be onto something! Actually, birds play quite a role during the Christmas season. ?Three French hens, two turtle doves, and a partridge in a . . ? well, you get the idea. So, how about gifts for the birds? Indeed! If you are one of the millions who truly appreciate these amazing winged creatures, both wild and tame, then you?ll definitely enjoy the pages that we present here, each full of great gift ideas for your feathered friends.


The Canary's Christmas Stocking

1. The Canary?s Christmas Stocking

There are lots of lenses about gifts for pets, and splendid ones too, but I didn?t think there were many about pet birds ? especially small ones. What suits a parrot or cockatiel won?t necessarily suit a canary or a zebra finch. So, as the proud host to fo?

Best Wooden Bird Houses

2. Best Wooden Bird Houses

Wooden bird houses make the perfect nesting place for small birds. Birds love flying but they need a place to nest and a wooden bird house is a great nesting place. Install wooden bird houses in your garden or backyard and provide a place for those magnifi?

The Chicken Health Handbook

3. The Chicken Health Handbook

When I received my first flock of chickens from the neighbors in early 2007, I had no idea how to care for them. I had never known anyone who had chickens, so I had to do a lot of research to make certain I was raising them correctly! Raising chickens is e?

Pet Birds As Gifts

4. Pet Birds As Gifts

One of the most romantic gift ideas for Christmas or birthdays is giving a pet bird. We think of a child with a new budgie at Christmas, or a lonely retiree gifted with a new canary, or fluffy chicks or ducklings in an Easter basket, or a symbolic pair of?

Top Gifts for Finch Enthusiasts

5. Top Gifts for Finch Enthusiasts

I absolutely adore birds, and ever since I was a young boy my parents indulged my fascination with little finches and allowed me to keep these bright little birds. I started my hobby with zebra finches (see picture) and before long I had a host of birds in?

Gorgeous Handmade Bird Feeders

6. Gorgeous Handmade Bird Feeders

Want to give a unique gift that will keep on giving? These bird feeders are not only stunning works of art on their own, they will also attract a kinetic and natural element (the local bird life) once set up in the backyard. Perfect gifts for art and natur?


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