Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Final Fantasy: The Pulse Legacy (General Discussion)

Final Fantasy: The Pulse Legacy

The fates have chosen those who must bear its will. Now, they must choose the fate of their world.


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Forum for completely Out of Character (OOC) discussion, based around whatever is happening In Character (IC). Discuss plans, storylines, and events; Recruit for your roleplaying game, or find a GM for your playergroup.

Welcome to the general query thread for The Pulse Legacy. If you have any questions, or interest in joining, please state them here and I'll get back to you as soon as possible - meanwhile I will continue to work on the resources required.

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Hey, I'm thinking of joining, how much leniency are we having with the characters? Just follow one of the models, and everything else is up to us? Hopefully I'll be able to create a character tonight/tomorrow, things are getting a bit busy being end of semester and all.

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flying monkey child wrote:Could I reserve character 3?

Certainly you can!

Catbus wrote:Hey, I'm thinking of joining, how much leniency are we having with the characters? Just follow one of the models, and everything else is up to us? Hopefully I'll be able to create a character tonight/tomorrow, things are getting a bit busy being end of semester and all.

I totally understand - I'm racking my brains trying to build Alice, Shadow and Markas' profiles tonight, as well as make the basic sheets for each character, which I can't do until a character is posted... Basically, the vast majority is up to you - I provide some key data that is going to be essential for the character in the storyline - such as a key Paradigm, motivation, maybe some links to another character, etc. The actual character appearance, personality, in-depths and all that, are up to you. Just be sure to tell me which character you would like to reserve, and I'll prioritise the threads I'm making.

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Can I reseve character six?

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OFortune wrote:Can I reseve character six?

Sure thing - sorry it took so long... stupid post time limiters..
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Ah! Reservations are important I see! Guess I'm lucky no one went to reserve the character I had in mind... Character number 4, the pilot, if that's quite alright!

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Catbus wrote:Ah! Reservations are important I see! Guess I'm lucky no one went to reserve the character I had in mind... Character number 4, the pilot, if that's quite alright!

Done and done.

Also, Character Six is now taken completely by 'OFortune' with their character, Oerba Lotamos Lia. A few minor spelling issues and all that, but your profile fits nicely. I also see you've gone with the canon Paradigms. :)

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Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/M1V4xt71isU/viewtopic.php

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