The HSUS preps for rescues, urges animal owners to be ready for "Frankenstorm"
A male deer on the beach was disoriented as Hurricane Sandy drew near. He ran the wrong way: into the ocean. The HSUS
A good Samaritan led the buck out of the water. Police and the Associated Humane Societies removed the buck safely. The HSUS
The HSUS's disaster response truck is loaded with cages and supplies, ready to deploy. Troy Snell/The HSUS
For the latest information on pet-friendly emergency shelters and other local resources, stay in touch through The HSUS's Twitter feed and Facebook page. (No need to have your own Twitter or Facebook account to see the updates.)
Hurricane Sandy is aimed at the East Coast of the United States, on a course to become a storm of historical proportions. If you haven't already made a plan for your pets, or if you're evacuating, be sure to take your pets with you.
The HSUS's Animal Rescue Team is assembling staff and equipment for disaster response and is poised to help stricken communities in the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast. Please make an emergency donation to support our disaster relief efforts.
The HSUS's state directors have been in action already, helping local shelters, staffing a Unified Operations Center, advising pet-friendly polices at human shelters, and reminding everyone to include pets during evacuations.
On a beach in New Jersey, a deer confused by storm preparations ran into the ocean (see photos above). A caring person, Eric Walsh, pulled the deer from the surf, but the deer lacked the strength to move inland.
Our New Jersey state director, Kathleen Schatzman, rounded up wildlife rehabilitators, the Montmouth County police, and New Jersey's Associated Humane Societies. Through a combined effort the buck was tranquilized and removed from the beach, for perhaps the first animal rescue of the storm.
Tips: Five ways to prepare your pets for an emergency ?
Help make sure The HSUS is there to provide assistance, rescue, and relief for animals. Please make an emergency donation to our Disaster Relief Fund today.
Source: http://www.humanesociety.org/news/dispatch/2012/10/hurricane-sandy-102912.html
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