Monday, October 1, 2012

Assange compares Ecuador Embassy hideout in London to space station

Britain News.Net Sunday 30th September, 2012

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who is living in the Ecuador Embassy in London, has compared his one-room to a space station, which has a mattress on the floor and a blue lamp to mimic daylight.

"It's a little bit like being in a space station," he said.

"I have been in solitary confinement [following his arrest in 2010 on the sexual allegations] and this isn't comparable to the difficulties in prison. I have complete control within a small environment and it enables me to do what is most important, which is to protect my work from the attacks it is under," he added.

According to the Daily Mail, the studio room has space for little more than a mattress on the floor, a rickety shelving unit and a small round table with leatherette chairs.

"The first two months in the embassy were quite positive. We had a big political battle, we had momentum, there was the physicality of the training to use emergency equipment and the day-to-day task of building a life in here," Assange said.

"That has stabilised now and the stability is becoming annoying. There is a longer-term danger with all injustices that in continuing they become normalized," he added.

Yet, there is nothing normal about the unique predicament in which he finds himself.

According to the report, the reporter who interviewed him said that he was not permitted to tell the precise nature of the safety equipment Assange keeps close to his bed, nor of the contents of the documents and diagrams pinned to his wall.

Assange has relocated his cyber empire, running it with multiple mobile telephones and laptop computers. He meticulously shreds anything that might leave a paper trail.

"I work a 17-hour day, seven days a week. Sleep is difficult because of the police movements," he added.

"There is an absurdly oppressive police presence, which is not a productive way to deal with the situation. I have a blue sky-light frequency lamp which mimics blue sky shining up to the ceiling. I have to have it on a timer or I am like a battery hen, I stay up all night working,' Assange said and smiled. (ANI)


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