Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Corporate Ministry: A History

By April 1999, things had taken a decidedly dark turn in the WWE Universe. Corporate intrigue, dark rituals, familial betrayals and bloodthirsty rivalries shrouded WWE in an air of mystery and terror, the likes of which had never been seen before, and have not been experienced in the years since.

The chief culprit behind those dark overtones was none other than The Corporate Ministry, an unholy alliance formed on the pilot episode of SmackDown and consisting of The Undertaker?s Ministry of Darkness and Shane McMahon?s Corporation. (WATCH CORPORATE MINISTRY PLAYLIST)

Theirs is a sordid history, one filled with twists and turns, acts of violence and depravity, and men of ill repute. While in existence for mere months, the notorious super faction held WWE and its Superstars under a black thumb during their historic and unforgettable reign of terror.

With the landmark 700th episode of SmackDown upon us, looks back at its pilot episode and tells the full story of what was, perhaps, the most terrifying stable in the history of sports-entertainment.

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