Thursday, January 31, 2013

Texas Senate chairman seeks health budget changes

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Saving Pets ? Blog Archive ? The SPCA NZ defend cats against haters

How do you defend cats against a cat-demonising campaign, like the one being seen in New Zealand at the moment?

Unlike the cat ?welfare? groups in Australia ? you don?t just agree with them and issue a warning to cat owners that they?ll be to blame when the lunatics come for the cats on our shores?. you actually dismiss it for what it is ? unscientific, 15-mins-of-fame seeking crapola.

Does the SPCA release cats into the wild?

This is another Morgan Myth, in his attempt to demonise cats. Of course the SPCA does not release cats into the wild. There is no question that we never have and we never will.

We do have what we call our TNR program, which looks after stray cats. Stray cats are cats that are domestic who have been released, or left to fend on their own, and they often form into colonies. They certainly aren?t ?feral? cats and these colonies are definitely aren?t in the ?wild? at all. But what we do, because obviously we care for ALL animals ? including cats ? we care for them by desexing them so they won?t reproduce, we put them back in their colonies where they live, we feed them, we care for them, and eventually, the TNR program is a very successful program, in that these colonies eventually go.

Where are the colonies?

They?re all over the place. And when you get a cat who has basically been ?let go?, it will do one of two things; they?ll knock on a door and say ?hey, I?m here, would you like to take me in?? and a very large number of people do. Others don?t find homes, so they congregate together. And what we do is we feed them and care for them, and their habits are almost exactly the same as domestic cats ? in other words they have no need to hunt.

We have a wonderful group of over 120 volunteers who of their own volition go out and care for these colonies because they care for cats.

How many of them are desexed in terms of a colony?

Virtually all of them, within a very short time frame. Any new cats that might enter the colony is immediately noticed and is desexed usually within days.

You wrote that birds are well down on the food chain, with native birds making up less than 1% of the total kill.

Now we?re talking domestic cats here. And 50% of domestic cats do not hunt at all. Don?t forget Mr Morgan has attacked domestic cats, and he has referred to native birds. That?s where his attack first started.

So if we take both. Fewer than 50% of domestic cats have any need to hunt at all, and those that do, the pecking order for their prey is generally rats, mice, lizards, cicadas (in season) and birds are way down their list and native birds are less than 1%.

The SPCA cares for all animals. You know what worries me most about this? This sort of doctrine of hatred, we have enough problems out there with people persecuting cats, simply because they don?t like them, and I could recite to you a large number of situations where cats have been injured and certainly abused, simply because people don?t like them.

What is happening here, is that he is building that degree of hatred for cats, and what I fear most, is that we are going to get more animals abused because of what he is doing.

What about feral cats?

The feral ones we have nothing to do with. There are three categories of cats, we have pet cats ? which are domestic, we have stray cats ? which are domestic that have been let go, and then we have the feral. Now the feral is never seen. They live in the bush. They are born there, they have no dependancy on people for food or anything like that. But because they?re feral, they?re declared a pest, and the SPCA has nothing to do with pests.

Does all that poisoning that goes on in the bush, does that take out cats as well?

Yes it does ? and it also takes out birds. Really, I don?t know what the answer to feral cats is, because if one got rid of all the feral cats out of the bush tomorrow, you would have an absolute infestation of rats, mice and that sort of thing, which actually does much more damage to native species and ALL species of bird, than cats do.

So you would say there is a tender balance out there in the bush?

Absolutely. I have equal concern for all animals ? cats, birds ? I happen to love them all. And I think most people in the country do. And yes, there are dangers there. We have to look at what we want to do ? do we change the balance of nature? Do we help it along? Or are we doing more damage than good? That?s one of things that we have to ask ourselves, and we have to care for all living things and I?m into that.

Hopefully that new nation isn?t Australia, where cats are seemingly without a friend in our major animal welfare groups.

Kudos to the SPCA New Zealand for standing up for ALL animals, not just the profitable ones.


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Why Immigration Reform Won't Cure the GOP's Struggles with Hispanics

Leading Republicans are jumping on the immigration reform bandwagon, hoping that taking the issue off the table will give them a second chance to make inroads with Hispanic voters. But even with a bipartisan deal looking within reach, the Republican party may not benefit as much as strategists expect.

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Indeed, there?s evidence that Hispanic resistance to the Republican party is as rooted in the GOP?s skeptical view of government, as it is their disagreement with GOP hardliners on immigration. The Republican Party calls for smaller government, but many Latinos look to government assistance as a necessity. Forty-two percent of Hispanic voters say that a government job offers the best chance of gaining career success, compared to only one-third of white voters, according to a June?Allstate/National Journal/Heartland Monitor poll.

"Our argument about limited government is always harder to sell than a government program," Florida Sen. Marco Rubio told Rush Limbaugh on Tuesday. "It always has been. It's easier to sell cotton candy than it is to sell broccoli to someone, but the broccoli is better for you, and the same thing with a limited government."

That's the argument Republicans are banking on. Texas Sen. Ted Cruz made a similar pitch this weekend, saying that Hispanic voters should be a natural constituency for Republicans because 2.3 million of them own small businesses, and polls show that the economy, not immigration, is their top concern.

But attitudes about the government are not the only area where the GOP and Hispanics diverge. Asked whether they trusted President Obama and Democrats or Mitt Romney and Republicans on the economy, 71 percent of Latino voters preferred the president, according to a November Latino Decisions poll. The president?polled?similarly well on a host of questions, including women's issues and foreign policy.?

Even on social issues where there is perceived to be a natural fit among religious Hispanic voters and the GOP, a divide exists. A majority of Hispanic voters now back gay marriage, according to a?Pew Research Center Poll, for instance.?

"I think Republicans are going to have to come up with a comprehensive plan for appealing to Hispanic voters," said one former GOP leadership aide. "Immigration is not going to solve the issue for them, but it will help."

So far that plan consists of talking about messaging. While Republicans acknowledge there's a communications gap with Hispanic voters, the strategy for repairing it remains murky. Many conservatives say it's time to retire language that could be viewed as nativist or racially insensitive. A document released Tuesday by the Hispanic Leadership Network, a Republican outreach group, offers advice to conservatives in how to talk about immigration without using language that may inadvertently offend Hispanics.

"I think there are some in the movement who portray immigration as a potential threat to the fabric of the culture," said former-Democratic-Rep.-turned-Republican Artur Davis in an interview. "A Latino hears that. That doesn't sound the way you want it to sound and it raises all kinds of red flags."

Given the longstanding divide between Hispanics and the GOP on immigration, it?s hard to imagine all the damage will be resolved with one bipartisan reform bill. In California, Republicans did irreparable damage to their relationship with the state?s sizable Hispanic population after former GOP Gov. Pete Wilson backed Proposition 187 in 1994 that prohibited illegal immigrants from using government services.

"If the only time you talked to your wife was on an issue you disagreed about how good would your relationship be?" asked California Republican party chairman Tom Del Beccaro said. "Republicans need to talk to them about all the issues they care about."


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Capitol Hill responds to Obama's immigration proposal (Washington Bureau)

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Green thumb? Wash. state looks for pot consultant

SEATTLE (AP) ? Wanted: A green thumb with extensive knowledge of the black, or at least gray, market.

As Washington state tries to figure out how to regulate its newly legal marijuana, officials are hiring an adviser on all things weed: how it's best grown, dried, tested, labeled, packaged and cooked into brownies.

Those angling for the job were expected to learn more Wednesday in Tacoma. The state Liquor Control Board, the agency charged with developing rules for the marijuana industry, reserved a convention center hall with a capacity of 275 people ? plus an overflow room ? for its bidding experts to take questions about the position and the hiring process.

"The Liquor Control Board has a long and a very good history with licensing and regulation. We know it and know how to do it well," said spokesman Mikhail Carpenter. "But there are some technical aspects with marijuana we could use a consultant to help us with."

Last fall, Washington and Colorado became the first states to pass laws legalizing the recreational use of marijuana and setting up systems of state-licensed growers, processors and retail stores where adults over 21 can walk in and buy up to an ounce of heavily taxed cannabis. Sales are due to begin in Washington state in December.

Both states are working to develop rules for the emerging pot industry. Up in the air is everything from how many growers and stores there should be, to how the marijuana should be tested to ensure people don't get sick.

Washington's Liquor Control Board has advertised for consulting services in four categories. The first is "product and industry knowledge" and requires "at least three years of consulting experience relating to the knowledge of the cannabis industry, including but not limited to product growth, harvesting, packaging, product infusion and product safety."

Other categories cover quality testing, including how to test for levels of THC, the compound that gets marijuana users high; statistical analysis of how much marijuana the state's licensed growers should produce; and the development of regulations, a category that requires "a strong understanding of state, local or federal government processes," with a law degree preferred.

In case no regulatory lawyers who grow pot in their spare time apply, multiple contracts could be awarded. Or bidders who are strong in one category could team up with those who are strong in another. Bids are due Feb. 15, with the contract awarded in March.

Many of the bidders are expected to come from the medical marijuana world.

Christy Stanley, a Kitsap County resident who has researched marijuana and considered opening a medical dispensary in the past, said she's attending the conference because she'd like the job, but wants to know whether it would disqualify her from also becoming a licensed grower or retailer. She knows growers, but has never grown marijuana herself, she said.

"This is big: The nation and the world are looking to us to set up a good model," she said. "If it works here, they're just going to cookie-cut this for other states."


Johnson can be reached at

Associated Press


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Shrewd Strategies On How To Deal With Hemorrhoids | Daily Health ...



Dependent on the size and pain level of the hemorrhoid, you could attempt to gently return it to the inside of your body. Gently pushing them back inside the body can reduce hemorrhoid pain caused from sitting for prolonged periods, or from swelling due to irritation. If you decide to do this, be extremely gentle and don?t do anything to worsen the condition.

Undue strain in bowel movements is a normal contributing factor to the development of hemorrhoids. Increase the amount of water you drink and eliminate refined sugar from your diet to soften your stool. Squatting can also help in passing bowel movements without straining. When you are on the toilet, put a short stool underneath your feet. Interestingly, hemorrhoids don?t plague cultures for whom it is customary to squat while using the toilet to the degree that they plague those accustomed to the porcelain niceties.

You do not have to suffer needlessly through a bout of hemorrhoids with no relief at all. Try bathing the region with a sitz bath for 10 minutes several times throughout the day. You might also feel better if you apply cold compresses in the affected area.

If you think that you may have a hemorrhoid, schedule an appointment to see your doctor. It can be tricky to correctly differentiate between a polyp and a hemorrhoid, and this confusion can lead to unnecessary panic. Schedule a quick check-up with your doctor if you are concerned about any growth.

Caffeine will help keep you awake, and it can also help you with your hemorrhoids. Caffeine works in your favor as it will stimulate the bowels and help you avoid some of the issues related to hemorrhoids, such as constipation and hard stool.

Add more fiber in your diet if you have hemorrhoids. This can be brought on by straining while you are making a bowel movement. Avoid constipation by adding ample fiber to your daily diet, so that you will not aggravate your hemorrhoid condition. Staying regular will assist you in battling hemorrhoids.

If your target is to minimize hemorrhoids, see to it that you?re body is properly hydrated. To get loose and soft stools, you should drink at least eight glasses of water and beverages that do not contain alcohol every day.

If you are having hemorrhoid problems, there?s a simple remedy you can try. If you feel like you need to release some feces out of your body, don?t wait! A lot of people don?t know that they should defecate as soon as they feel the urge to when they have hemorrhoids, this is because your stool becomes harder the longer it stays in the large intestine, which makes it hurt when you go when you have hemorrhoids. Try not to strain during a bowel movement, as this aggravates hemorrhoids.

As has already been mentioned, there are all kinds of ways to treat hemorrhoids. If you tend to have problems with hemorrhoids, you should keep a good stock of supplies to treat your symptoms as needed. Use the information in this article and you will have more knowledge about hemorrhoids.


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How the lib media spread phony Sandy Hook ?heckling? story?and how we beat it back (Michellemalkin)

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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

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Square Is Paying For Its Ex-COO's Legal - Business Insider

Former Square COO Keith Rabois

Square, the online-payments startup, is paying the legal expenses of Keith Rabois, the well-known Internet executive who resigned as its chief operating officer last Thursday after an employee claimed Rabois had harassed him.

Rabois denied the accusations and said an offer by the employee's lawyer to settle the matter for millions of dollars "felt like a shakedown." Ricardo Reyes, a company spokesperson, said Square had investigated the matter and "found no evidence to support any claims."

Richard Curiale of Curiale Wilson is representing both Square and Rabois in the matter, AllThingsD's Kara Swisher reported in an interview with Rabois on Friday, and Rabois has not hired separate counsel.

Rabois said in a blog post that the potential lawsuit had created a "distraction" for the company. In a statement, Reyes said that Square had found that Rabois had "exercised poor judgment that ultimately undermined his ability to remain an effective leader at Square."

The employee, whose identity has not yet been made public, is represented by Steven Berger of Berger & Webb in New York. Berger has not responded to multiple requests for comment on the matter.

It is standard for companies to indemnify employees (e.g., pay their legal expenses) except in cases of clear wrongdoing.

So, at least for now,?Square is putting its money where its mouth is in defending Rabois.?


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Iraqi Kurds woo more oil majors in contest with Baghdad

LONDON (Reuters) - Iraqi Kurdistan said it is negotiating with two or three major international companies to operate oilfields and expects to announce the outcome in about a month, in a move likely to further heighten tensions with Baghdad.

The remarks by Natural Resources Minister Ashti Hawrami on Tuesday highlight the autonomous region's resolve to push ahead with development of its oil resources independently of the Baghdad-based central government.

Kurdistan has upset the central government by signing deals directly with oil majors such as Chevron Corp and Exxon Mobil, providing lucrative production-sharing contracts and better operating conditions than in the south of the country.

Last week Hawrami said Kurdistan, which is in the north of Iraq and has run its own administration and armed forces since 1991, had awarded Chevron a stake in the Qara Dagh oil block.

"We are negotiating with two to three other significant companies. They will hopefully be announced in a month or so," Hawrami told reporters on the sidelines of a conference in London.

He also said Exxon Mobil's contentious deal to operate in the autonomous region was on track.

Baghdad issued Exxon an ultimatum this week, telling the American oil major it must choose between operating in the north or the south, after Exxon's chief executive Rex Tillerson had meetings in both regions.

At stake is Exxon's 60 percent share of the $50 billion West Qurna-1 project in southern Iraq.

"Exxon is business as usual as far as we are concerned," Hawrami said.

Hawrami declined to name the companies with which talks were under way.

Tensions between the northern region and Baghdad are such that late last year they both sent troops to reinforce positions along their disputed internal border.

Hawrami added that no Kurdish oil has left the autonomous region for a while, as Baghdad had reneged on payments that it was expected to make to operators of oilfields.

The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) stopped contributing exports to Iraq's pipeline from Kirkuk in the north to the Turkish port of Ceyhan in December.

"Currently nothing is going through the main pipeline, and has (not been) for a while," Hawrami told reporters at a conference in London.


Exports by truck stopped two or three weeks ago, Hawrami said, but they should resume next week and rise to around 20,000 barrels per day of crude and 10,000-15,000 bpd of condensate initially.

He added that the exports would begin with a limited amount of condensate - a very light oil - and maybe some crude oil as a top-up.

Condensate exports by truck to Turkey began last summer, and hit a high this month, despite the stoppage. Exports of crude oil from the Kurdistan's Taq Taq oilfield started at the beginning of January this year.

"We are working on some procedures to have a clear monitoring and metering system the border before we allow (further exports)."

The central Iraqi government in Baghdad has repeatedly stated that it considers independent exports from the KRG as smuggling.

The KRG views these exports as part of its 17 percent entitlement to consume oil in Iraq and says the central government does not provide the northern region with enough oil products such as motor fuels.

Kurdistan is short of fuels like diesel, but has abundant supply of naphtha, used to blend gasoline and in making plastics, as well as plenty of heavy fuel oil.

Oil production in the Kurdish region is close 400,000 barrels per day (bpd), including about 15,000 bpd of condensate. The Taq Taq field is producing at 130,000 bpd, Tawke at 105,000 bpd and the Khurmala field at around 110,000-115,000 bpd, Hawrami said.

The capacity for oil exports is around 250,000-300,000 bpd, as refinery capacity in Kurdistan is at 100,000-110,000 bpd currently, and Hawrami said it would reach about 150,000 bpd by the year's end.

(Reporting by Julia Payne and Simon Falush; editing by Jason Neely and Anthony Barker)


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Monday, January 28, 2013

Chris Brown investigated for possible assault

FILE - Singer Chris Brown appears at a news conference to announce his partnership with Ford's Sync, a voice activated hands free in car communication and entertainment system, in this Nov. 2, 2007 file photo taken in New York. Authorities are investigating allegations that Grammy-winning singer Chris Brown assaulted a man in a West Hollywood parking lot Sunday Jan. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer, File)

FILE - Singer Chris Brown appears at a news conference to announce his partnership with Ford's Sync, a voice activated hands free in car communication and entertainment system, in this Nov. 2, 2007 file photo taken in New York. Authorities are investigating allegations that Grammy-winning singer Chris Brown assaulted a man in a West Hollywood parking lot Sunday Jan. 27, 2013. (AP Photo/Peter Kramer, File)

(AP) ? Grammy-winning singer Chris Brown is under investigation for an alleged assault in a West Hollywood parking lot, the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department said early Monday.

Deputies responding to a report of six men fighting Sunday night found the scene clear, but were told by witnesses that there had been a brief fight over a parking space.

"The altercation allegedly led to Chris Brown punching the victim," the department said in a statement released early Monday morning.

The "victim" wasn't identified but the celebrity website TMZ ? which first reported the fight outside the Westlake Recording Studio ? said it also involved Frank Ocean, one of the top nominees at Grammy Awards next month.

In a Twitter posting later, Ocean said he "got jumped by (Brown) and a couple guys" and suffered a finger cut.

It wasn't Brown's first problem in the run-up to the Grammys. His attack on singer Rihanna on the eve of the 2009 awards event overshadowed the show.

Last June, he was injured in a brawl with members of hip-hop star Drake's entourage at a New York nightclub.

No arrests were made. Brown was gone by the time deputies arrived but the department said the investigation is ongoing and Brown would be contacted later.

Email messages to Ocean's publicist and Brown's lawyer were not immediately returned. A man answering the phone at the recording studio declined to comment.

Associated Press


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Dick Van Dyke honored for lifetime achievement

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? He's acted, danced and sang his way through movies, television and the stage, making Dick Van Dyke an entertainment triple-threat long before Hollywood used such hyphenates.

The 87-year-old actor, best known for the 1960s hit comedy "The Dick Van Dyke Show" and Disney's big-screen musical "Mary Poppins," can now add lifetime achievement honoree. He added that honor to his resume at Sunday night's 19th annual Screen Actors Guild Awards.

"They tell me you never work again once you get this award," Van Dyke said on the red carpet. "I'll have to let them know I'm available."

His career has spanned eight decades, starting with work as a disc jockey and a standup comic in the late '40s. He even worked as a national television morning-show host, with no less than Walter Cronkite serving as his news anchor.

But perhaps Van Dyke's most critical career break came in 1960, when director Gower Champion hired him as the male lead opposite Chita Rivera in the new Broadway-bound stage musical "Bye Bye Birdie."

Van Dyke had no professional dance experience, and out-of-town tryouts did not go well. Nevertheless, Champion refused to fire the actor, who would go on to New York with Rivera and win a Tony award for his performance.

About a year later, Van Dyke was starring in his own sitcom, in the role of TV comedy writer Rob Petrie on "The Dick Van Dyke Show." Three prime-time Emmys for Van Dyke and more than 50 years later, the series remains revered by many critics as one of the earliest models of great workplace comedy.

"'The 'Dick Van Dyke Show' was the most fun I ever had and the most creative period of my life," he said on the red carpet.

During the series' run, Van Dyke also enjoyed big-screen hits, including the 1963 "Birdie" movie and the 1964 all-star comedy, "What a Way to Go!" But biggest of all was "Mary Poppins," in which he introduced the Oscar-winning song "Chim Chim Cher-ee."

"I'm world-famous for my Cockney accent," Van Dyke kidded in his acceptance speech. He has said his British-born co-star, Julie Andrews, told him he never got the accent right.

Last year, Van Dyke presented the same lifetime achievement honor to his former TV co-star, Mary Tyler Moore.

These days, Van Dyke sings with his vocal group, The Vantasix, and enjoys life with his wife of one year, makeup artist Arlene Silver. The couple met seven years ago at the SAG Awards.


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U.S. House budget chief: automatic spending cuts "going to happen"

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Automatic spending cuts postponed at the start of the year will go into effect as scheduled in March but "no one" is talking about allowing a U.S. government shutdown, the Republican House of Representatives Budget Committee chairman said on Sunday.

The automatic spending cuts had been delayed by two months as part of the deal to avoid the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and deep spending reductions - known as sequestration - that had loomed at the beginning of this month.

"I think the sequester is going to happen," Representative Paul Ryan, chairman of the House budget panel and the party's 2012 vice presidential nominee, told the NBC program "Meet The Press."

House Republicans, most of whom had strongly opposed any tax rate increases in the "fiscal cliff" debate, have now started to shift their focus away the issue of tax increases and toward the spending cuts.

"We think these sequesters will happen because the Democrats have opposed our efforts to replace those cuts with others and they've offered no alternative," Ryan said.

In the debate over how to get America's fiscal house in order, Democrats have argued for a combination of tax increases and public spending cuts. Republicans have favored spending cuts without higher taxes.

Some Republicans have called for delaying the planned spending cuts in defense while increasing cuts in other areas of the federal government. The Pentagon said on Friday it had begun laying off most of its 46,000 temporary and term employees and cutting maintenance on ships and aircraft in an effort to slow spending before nearly $50 billion in new cuts are due to go into effect on March 1.

Following a showdown over raising the U.S. debt ceiling in 2011, President Barack Obama and Congress agreed that $1.2 trillion in automatic cuts in domestic and military spending over 10 years would begin at the start of this year unless lawmakers took action to rein in spending. That was postponed until the beginning of March in the "fiscal cliff" deal.

Ryan said the automatic cuts would take place as scheduled because Democrats have not offered alternatives to Republican proposals for spending cuts.


March 27 is the expiration date for a stop-gap government funding measure. If Congress does not authorize a new spending bill by that date, government agencies and programs would have to start shutting down. In such a scenario, military activities could be curtailed and federal employees put on unpaid leave.

While Republicans in the past have threatened similar shutdowns to press for spending cuts, the tactic could backfire. Republican-led government shutdowns in 1995 and 1996 met with strong public disapproval.

Ryan played down a potential fight with Democrats over the stop-gap spending measure.

"No one is talking about shutting the government down," Ryan said.

The House last Wednesday passed a Republican plan to allow the government to keep borrowing money through mid-May, clearing it for quick enactment after the top Senate Democrat and White House endorsed it.

The measure includes a measure requiring the House and Senate to pass a formal budget resolution by April 15. Under the provision, if either chamber fails to meet this deadline, lawmakers' pay would be suspended until they pass a budget.

The Democratic-controlled Senate is expected to pass it unchanged before sending it to the president.

Ryan also signaled little appetite for a renewed debate with Democrats on further tax increases after the "fiscal cliff" deal that included higher tax rates on the wealthiest Americans.

"We already offered that back in the 'fiscal cliff' negotiations," he said. "The president got his additional revenues. So that's behind us."

He said if Democrats keep raising taxes, it would weaken the likelihood Congress could accomplish "decent tax reform."

(Reporting by Margaret Chadbourn; Editing by Will Dunham)


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Screeners of unusual size? I don?t think they exist. (Unqualified Offerings)

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Spouses club relents, accepts lesbian Army wife

Courtesy Ashley Broadway

Ashley Broadway, left, is pictured with her wife, Lt. Col. Heather Mack and their 2-year-old son.

By Bill Briggs, NBC News contributor

Hours after same-sex Army wife Ashley Broadway was named Fort Bragg's 2013 ?spouse of the year,? the on-base spouses club???that has for two months rebuffed Broadway's bid to join?? fully reversed course and invited her "to become a full member," according to emails sent to NBC News and Broadway.

The decision comes one week after the Association of Bragg Officers' Spouses (ABOS) extended Broadway???who is married to Army Lt. Col. Heather Mack???a "special guest membership," an invitation she declined and called "extremely demeaning."

"After further reviewing the (club's) constitution, by-laws and internal procedures, the ABOS Board felt that in order to immediately support all military Officer spouses who are eligible for ABOS membership a more inclusive definition of spouse was needed. Therefore, any Spouse of an active duty commissioned or warrant Officer with a valid marriage certificate from any state or district in the United States is eligible for ABOS membership," the club's board said in a statement.

"ABOS does not discriminate based on race, gender, religion, national origin, age, disability, creed, or sexual orientation. ABOS would like to publicly invite Ms. Broadway to apply for full membership to ABOS. It is and always has been our mission to support all military families."

In an email to Broadway ? shared with NBC News???the club said, "We would like to offer you to become a full member of ABOS."

"I will go ahead and submit my application," Broadway said in response to the invitation. "I need to educate some of the naysayers that are in that group and show them my family is just like their family."

In the online election held Tuesday, Broadway captured the Fort Bragg vote ?by a country mile,? said Babette Maxwell, founder of Military Spouse magazine and the Military Spouse of the Year award. Ballot totals were not revealed.

As one of the 154 base-level winners, Broadway now is eligible to be nominated for Army ?spouse of the year.?

?A lot of people who voted never me met or talked to me or knew me from Adam. I know it was a statement to the Obama Administration, to Secretary (of Defense Leon) Panetta, to Senator (Chuck) Hagel ? if he is confirmed (as defense secretary) ? to the Pentagon and, really, to America that, yes, she is a military spouse and she needs to be recognized,? Broadway told NBC News.

?There are things the government can do right now to make life a hell of a lot easier than what it is currently for those who are in same-sex marriages in the military,? she added. ?It was a lot of people saying, ?Enough?s enough.? ?

Broadway?s rejection from the Fort Bragg officers? spouses club sparked the U.S. Marine Corps to issue on Jan. 9 a pro-gay, branch-wide directive. On Jan. 16, her bid drew the Pentagon?s attention. The next day, the?on-base spouses club offered Broadway a "special guest membership" ? an invitation she declined, calling it ?extremely demeaning.??

Broadway married Mack, her 15-year companion, in November ? their first chance to hold a formal ceremony after?the 2011 repeal of ?Don?t Ask Don?t Tell,??the policy that kept gays from openly serving in the military. The couple has a 2-year-old son and Mack gave birth to their second child, a daughter, on Tuesday.?

?People got one vote per email address ? one ballot for the person you wanted to represent you. I think people would be unwilling to, quote-unquote, throw their vote away on simply doing what was popular,? Maxwell said. ?There was a significant amount of meaning in what they were doing when they voted for Ashley.

?Removing her a bit from the press and recognition she?s received the last few months, Ashley???more importantly???has a platform to benefit a large number of spouses, and that?s what people want to see happen,? Maxwell added. ?The winners are chosen based on their merits, their accomplishments and what they intend to do for the community in the year to come.?

Broadway has volunteered to tutor soldiers? children in reading, briefed inbound Army families on local school districts, and helped transferring soldiers with housing-location decisions.

?When I was denied membership, I asked to speak to the club?s board. I was convinced that if they?d just sit down with me for half an hour, if I could talk to them about what I?ve been doing, what I?ll be doing in the future, they would see what an asset I would be to the group,? Broadway said.

The meeting was not granted.

?That was the most frustrating thing,? she said.

Before its decision late Friday to relent and offer Broadway full membership, the ABOS board had maintained Broadway was never rejected because ?a formal application was never filed,? and that she simply had inquired about the eligibility of a same-sex spouse and was told the club would need ?time to look at the issue.??

Online voting for the next round of the 2013 Armed Forces Insurance Military Spouse of the Year???the branch level???will take place Feb. 5. The overall winner, elected from the branch finalists, will be revealed May 9.

"I never thought in a million years I would be the one to advance the cause. If that?s what it?s going to take to get attention for all the military same-sex spouses, then so be it," Broadway said. "But I do take this (Bragg 'spouse of the year' award) very seriously. And we'll see where it goes from here."?

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Tracking the spread of dengue fever: Domestic networks drive rapid transmission of human infection

Tracking the spread of dengue fever: Domestic networks drive rapid transmission of human infection

Friday, January 25, 2013

The mosquitoes that spread dengue fever tap into the domestic networks of humans, along with their bloodstreams, finds a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

The data from Iquitos, Peru, shows that the trail of the most rapid transmission of human infections does not lead through large, public gathering places, as might be expected, but from house-to-house, as people visit nearby friends and relatives.

"It's common in a dengue fever outbreak to first treat public places like schools for mosquitoes, but our results show the focus needs to be on residential networks," says disease ecologist Gonzalo Vazquez-Prokopec.

Vazquez-Prokopec and Uriel Kitron, both from Emory University's department of environmental studies, conducted the spatial-temporal analysis as co-authors of the study, led by Steve Stoddard and Thomas Scott from the University of California, Davis. The research is part of a major, ongoing dengue project that also includes scientists from the U.S. Navy; the University of Iowa; Tulane University; San Diego State; and researchers in Peru.

"On a global scale, human air travel is known as a driver of dengue virus circulation, but this is the first time we've quantified the powerful impact of human movement on the small scale of neighborhoods," Vazquez-Prokopec says.

The tropical disease is caused by a virus that is passed from the blood of one person to another through the bites of mosquitoes. Also known as "break-bone fever," dengue causes debilitating pain leading to the hospitalization of many sufferers. Severe cases can be fatal.

"It is vicious, and rapidly growing as a threat," Vazquez-Prokopec says.

During the last 50 years, the incidence of dengue has increased 30-fold and more than half the world's population is now at risk. The World Health Organization estimates that 50-100 million dengue infections occur each year. That number is expected to rise as the climate warms and the trend toward urbanization continues.

During 2009 and 2010, dengue fever emerged for the first time in decades in the contiguous United States, when an outbreak in the Florida Keys led to 93 cases.

The dengue virus is complex and has at least four different serotypes. Each time a person is infected with one serotype, it raises the risk that they will become more severely ill if infected by a different serotype.

"There is no vaccine for dengue. The only way to control outbreaks is to kill the vectors ? mosquitoes," Vazquez-Prokopec says. Many of the places affected have poor public health infrastructure, he adds, so it's critical to identify the most effective places to spray for the insects.

A 2009 outbreak of dengue in Iquitos killed at least 24 people and drove almost 1,000 sufferers to the hospital, where cots had to be set up in stairwells and hallways to handle the flood of patients.

A city of 400,000 located deep in the Amazonian rain forest, Iquitos is essentially an island, only accessible by boat or plane. The city has high unemployment, and the housing is often substandard. Water is stored in open containers in crowded homes that lack air-conditioning, or even window screens. These factors make the homes havens for Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, the primary vector for the dengue virus. These mosquitoes feast almost exclusively on human blood, bite during the day, and have a limited flight range of about 100 meters.

To study how the dengue virus spreads through Iquitos, the researchers tracked and mapped outbreak patterns of two large neighborhoods, encompassing hundreds of homes, over several years. When a case of dengue was confirmed through a blood test, social workers would interview the patient, recording all the places the patient went during the 15 days leading up to the onset of fever. Mosquitos were collected from as many of these locations as possible and tested to determine if they carried the virus.

The data from interviews of 2,000 people was plotted over time and space using geographic information systems (GIS) technology.

"People appear to be getting infected most often in homes, but not necessarily their own homes," Vazquez-Prokopec says. "The main driver is people visiting friends and relatives in nearby homes."

Interviews with dengue patients revealed that two-thirds of them had visited the same location.

"We suspect that the importance of human movement that we observed in Iquitos will hold in other populations and for other pathogens transmitted by the mosquitos that spread dengue," Vazquez-Prokopec says. "The findings provide a different way for thinking about how a vector-borne pathogen may spread through a population, and have implications for better disease surveillance and control."


Emory University:

Thanks to Emory University for this article.

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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Cancer drug developer ImmunoGen takes bigger loss

WALTHAM, Mass. (AP) -- Drug developer ImmunoGen Inc. said Friday its fiscal second quarter nearly doubled, as it continued developing treatments for cancer.

ImmunoGen does not have any approved drugs. Its most advanced experimental product is T-DM1, which includes the main ingredient in Roche's drug Herceptin, used mainly to treat breast cancer. The Food and Drug Administration is scheduled to make a decision on T-DM1 by Feb. 26.

ImmunoGen said it expects to report clinical trial results from its three most advanced wholly-owned drugs in 2013 and will start clinical testing of a fourth drug.

The company is developing T-DM1 through a partnership with Roche. The drug contains trastuzumab, the active ingredient in Herceptin, with a second drug and a chemical that keeps the drugs linked until they reach a cancer cell, where the cocktail can be released. ImmunoGen developed the technology that combined the drugs, and it will get royalty payments on sales if the product is approved.

The companies have asked the FDA and European regulators to approve T-DM1 as a treatment for breast cancer. Roche is running additional clinical trials of T-DM1, studying the drug in different settings as a treatment for breast cancer as well as gastric cancer. ImmunoGen is running its own trials of drugs designed to treat lung cancer and multiple myeloma, ovarian cancer, and blood cancers.

In the fiscal quarter ended Dec. 31, ImmunoGen said it lost $24.4 million, or 29 cents per share. A year ago it took a loss of $12.8 million, or 17 cents per share.

A 10-percent increase in the number of outstanding shares made the loss in the recent quarter seem smaller on a per-share basis.

Revenue fell to $2.6 million from $7.6 million, because the company received fewer payments from its drug development partners.

Analysts were expecting a loss of 25 cents per share and $5.2 million in revenue, according to FactSet.

Shares of ImmunoGen lost 48 cents, or 3.2 percent, to $14.87 in midday trading.


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Court overturns another Guantanamo conviction

MIAMI (Reuters) - A U.S. appeals court on Friday overturned the Guantanamo war crimes conviction of an al Qaeda videographer, a ruling likely to lead to dismissal of conspiracy charges in the pending trial of five men accused of plotting the September 11 attacks.

The Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia threw out the conviction of Yemeni prisoner Ali Hamza al Bahlul, ruling that the charges of which he was convicted - conspiracy, providing material support for terrorism and soliciting murder - were not internationally recognized as war crimes when the acts were committed.

Bahlul is serving a life sentence in the detention center at the Guantanamo Bay U.S. Naval Base in Cuba.

He acted as a publicist for Osama bin Laden's al Qaeda organization, making recruiting videos and taping the wills of some of the hijackers who slammed commercial jetliners into the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and a Pennsylvania field on September 11, 2001.

The same appeals court threw out the Guantanamo conviction of one of bin Laden's drivers, Salim Hamdan, in October, on similar grounds.

Prosecutors had expected the decision and have asked that conspiracy charges be dropped against the alleged mastermind of the September 11 plot, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, and four other men facing trial at Guantanamo.

Defense attorneys said the judge in that case was expected to grant the request at a pretrial hearing next week. The defendants in that case could still face the death penalty if convicted on other charges that include 2,976 counts of murder.

The widely criticized Guantanamo court was established after the 2001 attacks to try foreign captives on terrorism-related charges outside the regular U.S. civilian and military courts. It has completed only seven cases, and defense attorneys said the appeals court rulings had essentially nullified five of them.

(Editing by Peter Cooney)


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Activision: Skylanders proves there is growth at retail | Games ... - MCV

The phenomenal sales of Skylanders proves there?s strength left in the High Street, says Activision.

As we revealed last week, over 6.2m Skylanders toys were sold in the UK last year.

And now the company is preparing the third game in the series, which will be revealed in a matter of weeks.

Skylanders Giants arrived in October 2012 with a huge retail programme. Activision booked in-store space in the UK?s biggest store. Over in France, specialist Micromania developed a Skylanders loyalty card programme.

?Retail is challenged. But Skylanders proves that when you deliver innovation and a great retail experience, then you can be successful, and differentiate on things other than price,? Activision?s Euro Skylanders VP Michael Sportouch told MCV.

?We now have 2,000 interactive units in stores throughout Europe. It is a big investment for us.

?I?m not saying this is the magic solution for the challenges that retailers face. But we feel that creating true experiences can deliver growth at retail.?


Alongside Giants, Activision launched two iOS titles ? Battlegrounds and Lost Islands. The former was even available in shops and was the No.1 downloaded iOS app for several weeks.

But it wasn?t all about the games, with a deluge of licensed products heading to market too. And there?s more to come.

?With our licensing partner, we?ve created a programme with more than 120 licensees in categories like plush, apparel, home d?cor, board games, back-to-school and books.

?We have a lot of new proposals but we are trying to be selective. There will be some major announcements soon, in terms of licensing and brand partnerships.?


Skylanders? success was always going to attract rivals, and you don?t get bigger than Disney. The firm is launching its own version of Skylanders, featuring characters from the likes of Pirates of the Carribean and Monsters Inc, this June.

?We are thrilled by the success Skylanders has experienced in such a short period across Europe and flattered that one of the leading family entertainment companies is joining our category,? Sportouch said. ?We?re well positioned to continue leading the category.?

So what next for the Skylanders? We won?t have to wait long to find out, with the publisher set to reveal all imminently.

?In the next couple of weeks we?ll introduce new things that we feel will offer breakthrough innovation combined with another fantastic adventure,? concluded Sportouch.

?If we are able to maintain this level of innovation and keep delivering the magic of the ?toys to life? concept, I think we will have a bright future for Skylanders.?


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Interviews: Ask What You Will of Paleontologist Jack Horner

John "Jack" R. Horner is the Curator of Paleontology at the Museum of the Rockies, adjunct curator at the National Museum of Natural History, and one of the most famous paleontologists in the world. Known in the scientific community for his research on dinosaur growth and whether or not some species lived in social groups, he is most famous for his work on Jurassic Park and being the inspiration for the character of Alan Grant. Horner caused quite a stir with the publication of his book, How to Build a Dinosaur: Extinction Doesn't Have to Be Forever, in which he proposes creating a "chickensaurus" by genetically "nudging" the DNA of a chicken. Jack has agreed to step away from the genetics lab and put down the bones in order to answer your questions. As usual, you're invited to ask as many questions as you'd like, but please divide them, one question per post.


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Foreign adoptions by Americans decline again

NEW YORK (AP) ? The number of foreign children adopted by U.S. parents fell by 7 percent last year, to the lowest level since 1994, and is likely to plunge further this year due to the new ban by Russia on adoptions by Americans.

Figures released Thursday by the State Department for the 2012 fiscal year showed 8,668 adoptions from abroad, down from 9,320 in 2011 and down about 62 percent from the all-time high of 22,884 in 2004. The number has dropped every year since then.

As usual, China accounted for the most children adopted in the U.S. But its total of 2,589 was far below the peak of 7,903 in 2005.

Ethiopia was second, at 1,568, followed by Russia with 748. For the current year, the figure from Russia is likely to shrink to only a few dozen adoptions that were in the final stages of approval before the ban was enacted last month.

The immediate purpose of Russia's ban was to retaliate for a new U.S. law targeting alleged Russian human-rights violators. But the measure also reflects resentment over the 60,000 Russian children adopted by Americans in the past two decades, 19 of whom have died.

The ban has caused anguish for scores of U.S. families who were in the process of trying to adopt Russian children, and it has saddened many of the families who successfully adopted Russian children in the past. They've been posting family photographs and heartwarming testimonials on a Facebook site called Orphans Without Borders.

Following Russia on the 2012 list were South Korea, which accounted for 627 adoptions, Ukraine at 395, the Democratic Republic of the Congo at 240, Uganda at 238 and Nigeria at 197.

The adoption numbers were up for several African countries and for Haiti, which had virtually halted foreign adoptions following the devastating earthquake of 2010, but has slowly resumed them. Haiti accounted for 154 adoptions by Americans last year, compared to 33 in 2011.

Overall, however, the numbers were discouraging to adoption advocates as countries that formerly provided large numbers of adopted children continued to cut back, and controversies over adoption-related fraud and corruption continued to block nearly all adoptions from Vietnam, Cambodia, Guatemala and Nepal.

The last time there were fewer foreign adoptions to the U.S. was in 1994, when there were 8,333, and the downward trend has troubled many supporters of international adoption.

"We're demoralized," said Chuck Johnson, CEO of the National Council of Adoption, in an interview before release of the latest numbers. "It's a failure of leadership, from everyone involved, myself included, to come up with policies and procedures that open up doors for kids."

Kathleen Strottman, executive director of the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute, said she found it frustrating that the foreign adoption numbers kept dropping at a time when the number of orphans and abandoned children worldwide was rising.

"Maybe, once and for all, we're at a point where we see how crucial it is for the U.S. government to step up and take a real leadership role," she said.

Susan Jacobs, the State Department's special adviser on children's issues, said in a telephone interview that she and her colleagues remained "very disappointed" by the Russian ban.

"They're angry with us, and they've found something that would hurt us," she said. "But it also hurts the Russian children who are looking for a home."

Jacobs expressed some wariness about the increased number of adoptions from Africa, noting that several of those countries were not signatories to the Hague Convention, a treaty that sets ethical standards for intercountry adoption. But she suggested that Americans should be pleased ? not disappointed ? by the declining numbers of foreign adoptions from nations such as China and South Korea, which have been improving their domestic adoption and child welfare programs.

The international developments have narrowed the options for Americans who want to adopt. According to the latest tally by the National Council for Adoption ? based on 2007 data ? there were about 76,000 domestic adoptions that year, not including adoptions by relatives. Of that total, about 43,000 involved children adopted from foster care, and the rest were handled either by private agencies or private individuals, such as attorneys.

By last count, there were about 104,000 children in the U.S. foster care system available for adoption. This group generally includes many children with emotional or physical difficulties, as well as higher proportions of blacks and Hispanics than the general population.

Adam Pertman, executive director of the Donaldson Adoption Institute, said the decline in foreign adoptions was part of a broader change in the demography of adoption, but he stressed that ample options remain for parents wishing to bring a child into their homes.

"There's a growing number of parents who have trouble finding a child to adopt who fits into their original vision of what would happen," he said. "But if they are willing to adopt across racial and ethnic lines, or adopt older children, the kids are there."

Bill Blacquiere of Bethany Christian Services, one the largest U.S. adoption agencies, said his national network generally has a waiting list of some 700 would-be adoptive parents waiting for children to become available.

In hopes of adding at least a few more babies to the adoption pool, Bethany has teamed with a conservative media organization, Heroic Media, on an advertising campaign seeking to persuade pregnant women considering an abortion to choose adoption instead.

"We're not saying adoption is for everyone," Blacquiere said. "We're just saying, 'Be aware of all the facts.'"

The State Department reported that 99 American children were adopted by residents of foreign countries last year ? 41 of them went to Canada and 28 to the Netherlands.



State Department:

Orphans Without Borders:


David Crary can be reached at


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