Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Increasing Your Social Media ROI | Boundless Marketing, LLC












Some small businesses end up fizzling out of social media marketing when they aren?t generating revenues. Instead of giving up on social media, businesses need to make sure they find the right people, send out the right message and are using the right social media channel. Once you figure out these important factors, you will see ROI and your social media should be a top priority within your business.

When thinking about who to target, there are lots of things to consider. First of all, 20% of online consumers are known as ?High Sharers.? They are usually younger, more active people on social networking sites and have access to the Internet over multiple devices (computer, laptop, smartphone, etc.) High Sharers are usually creators of original online content and are often loyal to their favorite brands. Therefore, they are three times more likely to suggest products and services to friends on social media sites.

?Low Sharers? are the other 80% of Internet users. These consumers aren?t loyal to specific brands and often search for the best product or service through researching. Low Sharers don?t use social media sites very often, but when they do, they are likely to share others? content, rather than create their own.

Suggestions from trusted sources, like friends, family and social sites are hugely influential for customers when it comes to making a purchase decision. This means that it is crucial for businesses to create their marketing campaigns to appeal to the High Sharers, since this group will generate the greatest ROI.

The next issue when finding ROI on social media is delivering the right message. There are seven types of social media sharers with different sharing styles that your brand can cater to in order to connect with potential customers.

  1. Altruists: This group is the largest group of social media users. They have a desire to help others, so they share information with their friends on social media sites. This group should be a main target audience for every non-profit or fundraising-related company because they want to help others in need. To effectively engage this group, use e-mailing and Facebook.
  2. Selectives: This is the second most common social media sharer. They like to share information that will be relevant to certain friends. They like to use email the most to share information with others.
  3. Connectors: Connectors want to share information in order to create more socializing opportunities with others. They have multiple social media platforms so they can effectively share more information with their friends. Their favorite social sites to use are Flickr, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
  4. Passionates: This group shares information because they have a passion in common with someone else. They like to use Facebook the most, but also participate on customer review sites.
  5. Provocateurs: Provocateurs like to share information in order to get a reaction out of friends. Bloggers are viewed as provocateurs, and like to use YouTube, WordPress, Twitter, Delicious, foursquare and LinkedIn.
  6. Trendspotters: This group uses social media sharing to show that they?re aware of the latest and hottest trends. They build their credibility by using multiple social media sites. This group can be very helpful for businesses wanting to increase their visibility and sales. They are the most influential group when it comes to purchasing electronics, fashion accessories and baby products.
  7. Careerists: Careerists are using social networks strictly for business purposes. They use YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to share business-related information.

With social media, it is not enough to just have lots of friends and followers if you want to see ROI. A business?s online relationships must be monetized in order for a social media campaign to find ROI. Try engaging High Sharers in order to generate quality recommendations, and send out a consistent brand messages but tailor it to each target audience?s needs by using the appropriate channel.

Tags: Delicious, facebook, Flickr, LinkedIn, marketing, ROI, social media, social media marketing, social media ROI, twitter

Source: http://boundlesssem.com/increasing-social-media-roi/

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