Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Relationship Thread

Arcana Academy

{Literate Roleplayers only please} What happens when the students from Noctrem Academy for those with Supernatural Powers are forced to go to Arcana Academy? Noctrem trains their students to be bad, wheras Arcana asks their students to be good.


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[font=georgia][right][img]gif of your character, please![/img][/right]
[size=200][u][color=#pick your characters favourite colour]Name of you character (use the name you want your character to be called)[/size][/u][/color]
[size=95][i]|Age|Talent|Roommate (if student)/Classes (if teacher)|School|[/size][/i]

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences [/list][/size]


[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
[*] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

Last edited by Imagine That! on Wed Jul 11, 2012 11:35 am, edited 4 times in total. ? Life's not the amount of breaths you take; it's the moments that take your breath away. ?

Watch my boyfriend's Pokemon nuzlocke challenge on youtube? It'll make us both happy! <3 ~ Cam's Nuzlocke Challenge!

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Imagine That!
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Ellie Carson

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Ashleigh Fox: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Corentine Quellen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Morgan Jannsen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Isabella Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Marnie O'Riley: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Cailin Cullen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Allison Mccray: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Skylar Byrnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Theodore McCaffrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Jade Locke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Zac Barnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Leonardo Marinos: ? Mr. Marinos is nice, although he can be a little scary sometimes. He's such a good head-teacher though, and it's amazing to hear the stories of what he has lived through! I don't know his real age, and I probably never will, but I know he's lived through some amazing things.
  • Almalthea Roerig: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Vincent Steele: ?/? When I'm not in my room, reading, or potting around the school, you'll find me in Mr. Steele's classroom, or the counselor's office. Why? Mr. Steele is a breath of fresh air in my hectic life, hearing the words inside people's minds. He has this ability to put a field up around his mind, so that I can't hear what he is thinking. Around him, I am completely calm and I have nothing to worry about. I've started going to him when I'm upset or angry after hearing something in someone's mind, asking for his advice on what to do. He's an amazing teacher. Honestly.
  • Cain Montgomery: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.

Leo Marinos
|2,459/27|Immortality|Head-Master & Battle Teacher|Arcana|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Eleanor Carson: ? She's a sweet enough student, always pipes up in class and does her best. Although, she is quite quiet sometimes, and there has been some complaints about her by other students. I'm never harsh to her about the comments though; it's not her fault - she hasn't been trained well enough yet to be able to stop herself from hearing thoughts when she doesn't want to.
  • Addison Lawler: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Ashleigh Fox: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Corentine Quellen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Morgan Jannsen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Isabella Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Marnie O'Riley: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Cailin Cullen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Allison Mccray: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Skylar Byrnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Theodore McCaffrey: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Jade Locke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Zac Barnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Amalthea Roerig: ? What is it about this woman that drives me insane? She's my very best friend, and the only person I've ever wanted to let into my heart for the last two thousand years of my miserable life. She's a bright ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, and I don't want to hurt her. I want her, but yet if I took her, it'd hurt us both. I'd grow up watching her age and wither away in front of me, and I couldn't stand that, which would upset her. What am I supposed to do? She's changed everything I've believed for the last two millenniums.
  • Vincent Steele: ? As much as I hate to get close to anyone, this is one of the only men I'll tolerate knowing things about me. Upon our first meeting, he discovered my death wishes that I had buried deep down. And he told me off. Literally, he shouted at me for it. No-one ever talks back to me, especially new employees! I saw it as gutsy though, and now, I actually quite like him being around.
  • Cain Montgomery: ? I don't like having enemies, but this man's great-great-great grandfather was the man that betrayed be, and created Noctrem Academy. Cain obviously adopts the same beliefs as his ancestor did, and I do not want him anywhere near my school, my students or my faculty. Why he's coming here, I don't know. Probably just to irritate the hell out of me.

Last edited by Imagine That! on Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:54 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Imagine That!
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Vincent Steele
|24|Empathy|English Teacher and School Counselor|Arcana|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Eleanor Carson: ? I see her often in my office. Her power seems to cause her no end of grief and I am more than willing to assist her. I, in fact, empathize (pun intended) with the young woman as her powers are much like my own. I enjoy the quiet times we share in my office, talking about her day and me helping her through it. Helping my students is my goal after all.
  • Addison Lawler: ?/? She is rather flirty a lot of time. She seems to think that boundaries don't really apply, but I understand her youthful enthusiasm. If nothing else, she makes her visits interesting.
  • Ashleigh Fox: ? She has a hard time expressing what she feels around others. I think that's why she enjoys talking with me, because she doesn't have to say anything. Like me, she enjoys her quiet time. I wish her well in the world and in this school.
  • Corentine Storm Quellen:
  • Morgan Janssen: ? She is a good student, does her work well, turns it in on time. I have no issues with her and she has yet to need any form of counselling.
  • Isabella Dorson: ? She is one of my more problematic children. Late homework and issues around other students for example. I know she doesn't really like me at all, but I will do my job as her counselor.
  • Marnie O'Rielly:
  • Cailin Cullen:
  • Allison Jerold McCray:
  • Skylar Fiametta Byrnes:
  • Theodore McCaffrey:
  • Jade Locke:
  • Zac Barnes: ? Due to his past, I was assigned as this young man's counselor. This is something I don't mind doing, and our sessions are very clinical.
  • Izaiah Dorson: ?/? He's a pretty good student. Thoughtful, cares about others, the whole nine yards. Always asking if he can help me with something though, and I'm pretty sure he's fishing for extra credit. I've humored him a few times on that.


  • Leonardo Marinos: ?I first met him when I applied for at job a Arcana Academy. Something felt off so I opened my mental shield and was shocked at what I felt. He wanted to I told him off for it. He seemed mildly angry at that, but he seemed to admire my spirit and offered me the jobs of both school counselor and English teacher. I believe we are close friends, the first one I ever made in fact.
  • Amalthea Desolee Roerig: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Cain Montgomery:

Last edited by BrandedOne on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:42 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Morgan Janssen

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
?= Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Zac Barnes: ? She's one of the few people who really knows about his past. She usually covers for him when he freaks out.
  • Ashleigh Fox:? Morgan admires Ashy for her refusal to give in to a sexist world. She also admires her for wanting to do good in the world.


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

Zac Barnes
|17|Memory Manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Morgan Janssen: ? He trusts her more than he trusts most of the teachers.
  • Ashleight Fox: ? He views her like a little sister. He's only told her that he had a bad past, and is reluctant to tell her about it.


  • Vincent Steele: ?He's been sent to him a few times after he's freaked out in the middle of class or in front of a teacher or concerned student. Nobody really wants to visit a councillor, but as far as councillors go, he's alright.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

Last edited by iCat on Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:50 pm, edited 3 times in total. "It was just one of those, And they died. The End! stories that make us demigods feel warm and fuzzy."Percy Jackson

"You've got a date with destiny. Don't be late."

"Is that a movie quote? Or is it an actual date? I don't remember destiny asking me. I never even gave destiny my phone number.? - Maximum Ride

?Man, you weigh a freaking ton," he told me. "What've you been eating, rocks?"
"Why, is your head missing some?"

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Bells Dorson
|17|Pain Inducement|Roommate|Noctrem

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Addison Lawler: ?- We have a love/hate relationship. We both are somewhat hot headed and blunt which sometimes we can be at eachothers throats. But she isn't a goody goody so I can stand her to a point.
  • Izaiah Dorson:?- Izzy may be my twin but does not mean I need to like him.
  • Skylar Byrnes:?- Sky is actually a pretty good friend, his power is actually pretty cool and he knows how to have a good time.


  • Cain Montogomery:?- Mr. M is actually my favorite teacher, he can be hard on us but that only makes us better.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


Izzy Dorson

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Isabella Dorson:?- Bells is just way too much to deal with. Id rather just stay out of her way then try to have any sort of relationship with her.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

Last edited by airedeiagrace on Wed Jul 11, 2012 1:30 pm, edited 3 times in total.

If you can't understand my silence...
then you won't be able to understand my words.
When will people understand that words can cut as sharply as any blade,
and that those cuts leave scars upon our souls?

There's only us There's only this Forget, regret or Life is yours to miss No other road,
no other way No day but today

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Addison Lawler

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Bells Dorson: ?- We have this "I love you, bitch..." Kind of relationship. She is a loaded pistol, but she IS NOT a complete annoyance to me. I'm pretty sure if we both weren't absolutely hysterical, by this point we'd have killed each other.
  • Sky Byrnes: ? - See, the thing about Sky and I, we have this... Strange connection. He's flirty with me, as I am back to him. I would LIKE to think of him as a very... Close brother figure because he's been there when no one else has.
  • Ellie Carson ?/? - This chick needs to get out of her shell more, I do find her innocence absolutely adorable and admirable. I feel like she'd be a crazy partier if she would just relax and let go a bit.
  • TEDDY-BEAR [Theodore McCaffrey] ? - This kid... I call him Teddy bear, only because he's mostly sleeping and his power is dream manipulation. I gave him this nickname when we were at Noctrem Academy a year ago. I don't think he really minds me, but I know he gets annoyed with the nickname. But he better suck it up, it's not going away.


  • Vincent Steele: ?/? - Psh, please, this teacher loves me. He doesn't need to hide it. I know he's amused when I visit him, plus I'm one of his best students.
  • Cain Montpgomery: ? The bastard did some good for my powers, he almost always pokes fun at me, but whatever. He showed me with hard work comes a good reward, and he would always push me further than I thought I could go. So I guess I do have him to thank for my stubborn, hard shell.

Last edited by ChaosxChild13 on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:43 pm, edited 9 times in total. I'm not mad, my reality is just different than yours.

Many long for immortality but haven't a clue what to do on a rainy Sunday afternoon.

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Ashy Fox

|17|Water manipulation|Roommate|Arcana|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Ellie Carson:Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Addison Lawler: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Corentine Quellen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Morgan Janssen ? I think Morgan is very under rated as a person. People think she's shallow because how friendly and bubbly she is towards everyone; I personally find her aura quite infectious and she makes me smile. I also like the fact she's there for me whenever I need her and her singing voice is amazing!
  • Isabella Dorson: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Marnie O'Riley: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Cailin Cullen: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Allison Mccray:[/b] Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Skylar Byrnes: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Theodore McCaffrey: He seems to be older beyond his years and very mature and he's quite, like me. However, he's deathly quiet and to me, that equates that he has something to hide; I steer clear of him.
  • Jade Locke: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences
  • Zack Barnes ? He's always been like a big brother to me. He plays guitar and drums to an awesome level and I admire his passion for learning. I just wish he'd open up a little more to me; what is it that he's so afraid to tell me? We're close but It feels like sometimes, I know very little about him..


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

Last edited by OverTheRainbow on Wed Jul 11, 2012 2:49 pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Cailin Cullen

? = Romantic Interest?
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

I've walked this earth for many a year, I've seen all there is to fear,
But not with mine eyes, I've seen people die,
Loved ones torn away, Heard the screams of children,
As they writhe in agony, But not with mine eyes or ears,
I've screamed curses, I've been beaten, tortured, and murdered numerous times,
But not has any of this happened. All this exsists but not in what I've seen, heard, or spoke,
Only in your wicked thought...

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Cain Montogomery
|45|Power Transference|Power Development & Detention Master|Noctrem Academy|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

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Theodore McCaffry
|17|Dream Manipulation|Roommate|Noctrem Academy|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

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Sky Byrnes
|18|Pyrokinetic|Roommate|Noctrem Academy|

? = Romantic Interest
? = Friends
? = Neutral
? = Enemies


  • Bells Dorson: ?- Bells and I are pretty good friends. She's a fun girl to be around and I love the way she just says what she wants.
  • Addison Lawler: ?- Where do I start with Addison? We're very...close, I guess you can say. We flirt back and forth, but it hasn't gone beyond that.


  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences.
  • Character's Name: Your symbol first, and then a little about your character's relationship with them. One or two sentences

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